
Emzi Pea – Mermaid Tales

When the tide is right …


Tales from the Borough

Tales from the Borough: Civic Duty

There has been a huge gap between this post and the last one (and a bigger gap whilst I sorted the image). Partly because the pace has picked up a bit, but also because I was hit by a nasty... Continue Reading →

Tales from the Borough: Jargonista

Thinking about the title for this week's blog, I was also thinking of 'Lingo Like Me' it's a poetic paraphrasing that harks back to my early days as an English teacher - one of the Poems from Other Cultures that... Continue Reading →

Tales from the Borough: Finding the Jigsaw Pieces

It's hard to believe it's only been three weeks since I was the new girl. There have been moments of doubt at times, but this week it felt as though I had a clearer picture of what the jigsaw should... Continue Reading →

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